Why do our soul and spirit need dividing

I don’t know about you, but I am constantly asking question when I read the Bible, or any book for that matter. Recently this scripture jumped out at me regarding the the word of God being sharp and a two edged sword dividing the soul and spirit. I asked the question regarding(Hebrews 4:12). Why does my soul need to be divided? And why do my thoughts need discerning. For all practical purposed the Bible and its principles are beneficial for living a better quality of life on earth. At the same time a word from God, or revelation about whats being said and what the author is saying to his audience at that time and to us today can bring a whole new meaning to our understanding. We in today’s world text each other instead of talking on the phone. Often the communication is misunderstood or at best misinterpreted. When we talk on the phone we can say, what do you mean by that? Or, I don’t understand; hopefully we get clarity from the other person.

Lets get back to the scripture about our soul  and spirit being divided in (Hebrews 4:12). Sounds a little abstract to me; at least it did when I first read it. I understand the reason for the division a little better now. Our soul needs to be in agreement with our spirit. We benefit from knowing the difference between the two. Our spirit is the real us, who we really are and was intended to be. Our soul on the other hand; mind, will emotions, is what we have experienced or become in life which construct our present mindset. Which often is a false identity that we often believe to be true, but in reality is a lie. Here is where God talking to us come into play. His constant assurance to us that we are His, cause he is a spirit, not a soul. He breathe the breath inside us and we became living souls. His constant assurance is done with our permission of course and our constant awareness daily. We can stand outside ourselves (soul) and recognize that’s not us and determine what to do about it with Gods help. Therefore, living this glorious life He has provided for us here on earth is possible for all of us.

Posted in Spiritual.

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