Why do our soul and spirit need dividing

I don’t know about you, but I am constantly asking question when I read the Bible, or any book for that matter. Recently this scripture jumped out at me regarding the the word of God being sharp and a two edged sword dividing the soul and spirit. I asked the question regarding(Hebrews 4:12). Why does my soul need to be divided? And why do my thoughts need discerning. For all practical purposed the Bible and its principles are beneficial for living a better quality of life on earth. At the same time a word from God, or revelation about whats being said and what the author is saying to his audience at that time and to us today can bring a whole new meaning to our understanding. We in today’s world text each other instead of talking on the phone. Often the communication is misunderstood or at best misinterpreted. When we talk on the phone we can say, what do you mean by that? Or, I don’t understand; hopefully we get clarity from the other person.Continue reading

Intimacy Before Marriage

A few days ago I had a discussion with a group of individuals about sex before marriage. Questions were asked do you have sex before marriage, or do you wait until you get married? In addition, it was said why get married, just have sex and live together; it makes things less complicated. There were discussions around what the Bible says about marriage and sex. We kicked around the subject pretty good.

According to the the Bible, Genesis 2:21 the first woman and man came together when there were no other humans around. The man was waking up from a deep sleep before meeting his wife or the woman he would have intercourse with (Eve). It would appear that it was love at first site for Adam. Eve did not appear to have said anything, at least the Bible does not mention any words spoken by her. There was no such thing as sin then only a commandment for Adam and Eve to not eat a certain fruit; they fail to comply, then sin came into the world according to Genesis. After that men started to do what ever they wanted to do or what they thought was right in their own eyes. They begin to have sex with multiple women, not different from how it is today. Why, maybe because there was no law against it and the women were plentiful and they lusted after them. It was said that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, 1Kings 11:1-8. That’s a lot of women. There really was no law against it. We talking about one of the riches kings of Israel, if not the riches.

As I write this article I cannot help but think about the impact today if two people get together as a married couple with out legal binding commitment( marriage). One thing comes to mind is, what if you have kids and how it affects them. The possibility of conflict between the perspective families if something should happen to one or the other if their are assets to be sorted out. Look at the possibility of how easy it would be for one or the other to say I quit, I don’t want to be with you any more. “I have fell out of love with you. I have found somebody better. There is really no binding agreement if not married but the emotional pain is the same if you are separated and have been together for any length of time.

Over all we could use a bit more commitment in our lives. Some times this hurry up microwave society can spill over in different areas of our lives and we could be deceived into thinking that life is easier if we do not commit or their is a short cut somewhere.  I confess, I have thought that in the pass, even now I am not perfect at this. However, I am aware and headed in the right direction toward a  better quality of life.  As I age I need to go in a direction until it exhaust itself, see it through till the end if I desire my end days to be without regret.

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Passenger Journal (Unbelief in GOD)

This post is mostly about respecting where a person is in their belief system. Rather it be belief in God or not. “We all have the right to believe what ever we want” communicates a passenger this past Saturday. After asking him if he believes in God he stated that he cannot rap his head around the concept of God. I agreed with the comment “neither can I.” As we proceeded to his destination he started talking about his ankle and how he injured it during a party the night before.  We also talked about the condition of our society and how people just don’t care about each other. To quote his words: People just don’t give a s……. about each other these days. I don’t recall how we got on that subject, but my comment to him was I care about him and wanted to say a prayer concerning his ankle being healed giving him relief while at work. In addition I testified about my experience with the healing of my body, stating that God can heal him. He agreed to accept the prayer, I prayed and he thanked me as he got out the car. My guess is he’s searching and wants to connect with God and others. People are hurting out there and searching for answers to their problems, situations and circumstances. You can’t tell that by looking at them, sometimes you have to engage them.

Prayer Request

For those who believe in the power of agreement and prayer I would like to extent an opportunity to make your prayer request known in the contact box.  I was talking to a gentlemen at church the other day about men issues who appeared to be reluctant to discuss his personal issues but asked the question, is there opportunity on balancedmen.com  for men to request prayer. I had not thought of that, so I said to myself that’s a good idea. I know as an Uber driving I am given many opportunities to pray for individuals while getting them to their destination. Just the other day a gentleman from Europe requested a ride and discussed his anxiety around social media and how it prevents or hinders intimacy in relationships when trying to get to know women. He states he has interacted with a number of women on line and believe they are not so interested in him if he’s not up to speed on social media, face book twitter and dating sites etc. He states most women won’t meet in person because of the convenience of social media and safety reasons. He was a younger gentleman, nevertheless believed social media is a barrier and prevents authentic relationships; which caused much anxiety and frustration for him; So much so that he asked me for prayer. I could see that he was sincere from the expression on his face. I prayed for him before he got out the car. He thanked me and we went our separate ways. You never know what situations and circumstances are plaguing individuals in our ever changing technological world. Its important for our mental health as well as over all well being as men. We benefit from discussing our feelings and concerns with each other, so we can experience the best life has to offer.

Passenger Journal (stage four cancer)

Recently, I transported a gentleman diagnosed with stage four cancer. I get in front of his place of residence and wait for at least four minutes. As an Uber driver we are only required to wait about three minutes. Myself, if you are not visible by then and are not answering your phone I cancel the trip. An African American man suddenly appear out the door, I will just call him Bob, disheveled appearing as though he is having trouble dressing himself. He asked me for more time. I said ok. He returns back inside and come out smoking a cigarette. Then he begin to talk about his condition; stage four cancer. “The Doctors have given me an expiration date he says.”  No more than a year maybe more. Typically, if the opportunity presents itself when I hear something like this from passengers I minister to folks my experience with my faith and healing. Not proselytize just testimony. If you respond I pray for you. If not its ok. Well he did not respond. His words were “It is what it is.” He accepted the diagnoses and fate whole heartedly it seemed. I don’t know that for sure that’s what he said. I like to accept folks for where they are and respect them from where they are in life. Not force something on them that they don’t want. Often men are too proud, feel guilty for what ever reason, or don’t want to appear weak, settled deep in depression unconsciously.

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