Intimacy Before Marriage

A few days ago I had a discussion with a group of individuals about sex before marriage. Questions were asked do you have sex before marriage, or do you wait until you get married? In addition, it was said why get married, just have sex and live together; it makes things less complicated. There were discussions around what the Bible says about marriage and sex. We kicked around the subject pretty good.

According to the the Bible, Genesis 2:21 the first woman and man came together when there were no other humans around. The man was waking up from a deep sleep before meeting his wife or the woman he would have intercourse with (Eve). It would appear that it was love at first site for Adam. Eve did not appear to have said anything, at least the Bible does not mention any words spoken by her. There was no such thing as sin then only a commandment for Adam and Eve to not eat a certain fruit; they fail to comply, then sin came into the world according to Genesis. After that men started to do what ever they wanted to do or what they thought was right in their own eyes. They begin to have sex with multiple women, not different from how it is today. Why, maybe because there was no law against it and the women were plentiful and they lusted after them. It was said that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, 1Kings 11:1-8. That’s a lot of women. There really was no law against it. We talking about one of the riches kings of Israel, if not the riches.

As I write this article I cannot help but think about the impact today if two people get together as a married couple with out legal binding commitment( marriage). One thing comes to mind is, what if you have kids and how it affects them. The possibility of conflict between the perspective families if something should happen to one or the other if their are assets to be sorted out. Look at the possibility of how easy it would be for one or the other to say I quit, I don’t want to be with you any more. “I have fell out of love with you. I have found somebody better. There is really no binding agreement if not married but the emotional pain is the same if you are separated and have been together for any length of time.

Over all we could use a bit more commitment in our lives. Some times this hurry up microwave society can spill over in different areas of our lives and we could be deceived into thinking that life is easier if we do not commit or their is a short cut somewhere.  I confess, I have thought that in the pass, even now I am not perfect at this. However, I am aware and headed in the right direction toward a  better quality of life.  As I age I need to go in a direction until it exhaust itself, see it through till the end if I desire my end days to be without regret.

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Passenger Journal

I have decided to journal my passenger experiences to convey the message and purpose of this site. Today I had the wonderful privilege of transporting an elderly woman from Minneapolis to Anoka, Minnesota. She was about 72/yrs old. How do I know because she told me so. She was on a cane, a little wobbly so I got out of the car and opened the front door of the vehicle to assist her and ask her preference front or back seat. She said it did not matter, so I decided to place her in the front since she was all ready near the front door. Often when passengers approach my Uber vehicle they automatically reach for the back door like its a cab. I prefer passengers get in the front since its ride share, its more up close and personal. The other reason is I like to talk. Anyway she took her time getting in the vehicle, placing her things in first with her cane. She began to talk to me about her car breaking down and how she was waiting for her son to purchase her a new car. She began to talk also about working as a special needs school bus driver for thirty years. She stated she really enjoyed that type of work. She then began to talk about her diseased husband. She mentioned his health issues through out his life and how she took care of him to the very end of his life. She quoted a marriage vow that so many of us know; “In sickness and health till death do us part.” She spoke about how he was resistant to the idea of keeping up with his health. He battled  alcoholism, which she believes led up to his eventual health issues. Eventually he had a triple bi-pass surgery, then a sudden massive heart attack five years ago.  The conversation we had help me to realize how important it is for men to be aware of their health and open to facilitate change. These stories, educating individuals is the reason its important to spread the word about being aware of different aspects of our being. We resist change often when we don’t UNDERSTAND how our behavior not only effect us but it also effect the people we love as well.