Time Spent

What does it take to digest our food properly? Time. How are we utilizing our time so we can get the most out of it? I am referring to the time we have and utilize in this hurry up society we live in. We say we don’t have time to do this or that. However, we do make time for things that are important to us. I am raising these questions, not to tell you what you need to do with your time, but more to raise awareness about what you choose to do with your time and what the outcomes are.
In regard to food consumption or anything else we do, it’s obvious we can benefit from taking the time to experience what ever it is that we are eating (doing). Research has found that “it takes 20 minutes for most people’s brain to register that they are full,” self.com. Which could mean we are eating so fast that our brain has not had time enough to catch up with what’s going on inside the body. Consequently, we keep on eating and eat too much because we don’t know we are full. Therefore, we over eat. This example is a parallel to mostly everything we take time to do.
This pattern of hurry up living diminishes our balance and quality of life. Every moment is to be enjoyed. Not withstanding challenges, situations and circumstances. These are a given if you live in this world. We are going to have problems to solve. That’s the growth process that we experience so we can help others grow. There is no getting around it.
With that being said just think about what you are doing no matter what the task. Take the time to understand it. Relax and grow through the process. It ain’t going to be easy, so we can loose that mindset.

Posted in Mental.

One Comment

  1. Ah yes, Time – That one commodity for which we do no have an inexhaustible supply. My take:


    Speak softer
    View the world kinder
    Pause for beauty longer
    Breathe the air deeper

    Help a fellow traveler
    Seek a chance to matter
    Create something new
    Improve the world

    The present becomes
    Yesterday tomorrow
    Make a vibrant memory
    And hold it close today

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