The Death Of the Corona Virus

These are trying times we live in. however, it’s a time to grow and expand our lives in a greater measure than ever before. What will we choose? Ultimately, it’s up to us. We have an opportunity here to grow into everything God has provided and made available for us to grow into. All we have to do is make space for Him to come into our lives and allow Him to work through us in such a way that its not us that bring joy and peace into the world, but conduits that allow God to use us to accomplish His purpose.
How you might ask? Simply by being who we are, who He made us to be. I am talking to God’s children. We are all His children if we receive Him as our Father. What a joy to know and understand that there is a power greater than us humans that can see us through anything we are confronted with.
We would do well to get through this corona virus by continuing to speak positivity into every situation. What can we lose with that attitude? We have heard so much about how bad this virus is and what it has and can do. That’s the problem or situation we find ourselves, at the moment. Now, how about we turn our attention to being solution focused, preventive, proactive minded. In other words, magnify the solution, not the problem, or situation. Which is what this is, something that require us to deal with, respond to; not panic over.
The more of the problem we focus on; prevents, paralyzes us and makes us vulnerable to not only corona but other diseases.
Solutions could be we can build ourselves and others up by becoming healthy, spiritually, mentally and physically. Is that difficult? Of course it is right now. However, there is a pay off if we continue and persevere through the positive process in these areas in our lives. At the end is victory. Then if or when some other situation comes presents it’s self, we are stronger and able to deal with it.
Words of encouragement. Much Love,

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Solid thoughts, Les,

    I would add that there are no such things as problems – just situations that threaten or further peoples’ values. If one determines the values involved in a challenging situation, then develops solutions that threaten or further them, one will motivate people to take action.

  2. Ken, you are so precise. There is no such thing as a problem. It’s just a mind constructed scenario that we imagine and make situations and circumstances into problems. We would do well to focus more on accepting where we are in the space we live in and determine where we want to go and make an executive decision about what we want to do when confronted with life.

    • Yes Les and I would add that everyone is product of what we inherited through the gene pool and what has happened to us in life.

      The result is our value system, a lens through which we view the world. I realized long ago that unless I understand an individual’s value system I cannot offer a constructive approach to threaten or further it and motivate them to take action.

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